If you want to find a homeopath, who has trained to the highest levels with an in-depth rigorous programme - look no further!
In 2016 to celebrating the School's 35th anniversary we launched a graduates alumni. All the homeopaths below graduated from the School. The alumni creates a network of like-minded homeopaths that can connect and support one another and it gives the public access to a list of students that have a trained with the School. Please note: because we only launched this area in 2016 it is an incomplete list.
Latest Graduates

bioghide Tony Fox DSH AdvPDHom
Drewery Court, The Glebe, Blackheath, London, SE3 9TJ, UK - England
T: 07949 520542
E: [email protected]
W: www.tonyfox-homeopathy.com
Graduated: 14/06/2014

bioghide Helen Lee DSH AdvPDHom RSHom
2 Cedar Close, Worton, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 5SD, UK - England
T: 01380 720311
E: [email protected]
W: www.helenleehomeopathy.com
Graduated: 14/06/2014
Registered: The Society of Homeopaths (UK)
Adults £70 first consultation/£50 Follow up
Children £50 first consultation/£40 Follow up
Infants £40
To be able to practice homeopathy is a privilege, coming to fruition after many years of study. It has been an inspirational experience for me. I also studied on parallel courses in Anatomy & Physiology for Homeopaths and Pathology & Disease for Homeopaths with Alternative Training, Stroud. I attend CPD seminars regularly. Being able to support someone who is seeking that 'something' extra, that will help their own journey to health and wellbeing is also a privilege. I have worked with pre school children and more recently have worked with teenagers and young adults with learning difficulties as a Student Support and Teaching Assistant, a role I value and had been involved in for more than 15 years.
More recently I studied CEASE Therapy which is a form of Homeopathy that focuses on the treatment of Autism. This therapy is also useful for patients who have 'Never been well since' either taking particular medications, or life event.
Diploma Advanced Practitioner in Homoepathy
Diploma in Anatomy & Physiology
Diploma in Pathology & Disease
CEASE Therapy Practitioner
Registered member of The Society of Homeopaths (SoH) I abide by their code of ethics and standards of treatment.
CPCAB Intro to Counselling
I have clinic rooms at Equilibrium, Corsham.
Wellbeing, Marlborough
Worton, Devizes

bioghide Claire Snook DSH AdvPDHom MARH
Honiton, Devon, UK - England
T: 07884 002701
E: [email protected]
Graduated: 14/06/2014
Registered: Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (ARH)

bioghide Victoria Moane PDHom
Emirates Forklifts Rental LLCP, P0 Box 4962, Sharjah, SHJ 001, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
T: +971506461417
E: [email protected]
Graduated: 29/05/2014

bioghide Sharon Dale DHom
Unit 9, 40 Florence Taylor St, Greenway, ACT, 2900, Australia
T: +61405629807
E: [email protected]
Graduated: 17/10/2013
Ad. Dip Naturopathy
Bachelor Health Science (Complementary Medicine)
Ad. Dip Homeopathy

bioghide Claudine Verstraeten PDHom
21 Av. du Gris Moulin, La Hulpe, Brabant Wallon, 1310, Belgium
T: 0032(2)6541914
E: [email protected]
Graduated: 24/07/2013
Registered: Liga Homeopathica Classica

bioghide Noreen Browne DSH AdvPDHom
Thistledown, Minish, Killarney, Co Kerry, V93E8HO, Republic of Ireland
T: +353863011453
E: [email protected]
Graduated: 24/06/2013

bioghide Vanessa Pimbblet DSH AdvPDHom RSHom
The Corner House, 2 Hirst Road, Hythe, Hampshire, SO45 6EP, UK - England
T: 07713003980
E: [email protected]
W: www.rebalancehomeopathy.co.uk
Graduated: 01/06/2013
Registered: The Society of Homeopaths (UK)
Initial Consultation £55
Follow up Consultations £40
To me the natural state of the body is being healthy and Homeopathy is a journey towards better health and wellbeing. My aim is to help you take positive steps on your journey to lasting positive health and wellbeing.
Registered Homeopath
Registered Nurse and Health Visitor
Trained Midwife but no longer pracitising.
Rebalance Homeopathy
Supporting you to rebalance by listening to you and your unique symtoms

bioghide Gunther Benkenstein DHom
Graduated: 23/04/2013
B.Eng (Chemical Engineering)

bioghide Lindsay Samuelson, ND RSHom DHom RSHom
5242 Eagle Ridge Lane, Sylvania, Ohio, 43560, United States
T: 419-450-0423
E: [email protected]
W: www.treatingtherootcause.com
Graduated: 24/03/2013
Registered: The Society of Homeopaths (UK)
$200.00 for initial 1.5 hour visit
$95.00 for follow up appointments
Homeopath, Naturopathic Doctor (ND) offering Zoom and In person appointments
Candian College of Naturopathic Medicine 2004-2008
School of Homeopathy Adv Diploma 2009-2012
Dynamis School for Advanced Homeopathic Studies 2011-2013
I run a private practice in Sylvania Ohio called Treating the Root Cause. I utilize naturopathic and homeopathic techniques to enable sustainable healing from chronic disease.

bioghide Margrit Schreier PDHom
Auf dem Kleinen Feld 7, Bremen, 28717, Germany
E: [email protected]
Graduated: 22/03/2013

bioghide Theresa Bottomley DSH AdvPDHom RSHom
37 Gilbert House, McMillan Street, London, SE8 3DJ
E: [email protected]
Graduated: 30/08/2012
Registered: The Society of Homeopaths (UK)

bioghide Anna Davies DSH AdvPDHom
70 Benedict Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9EY, UK - England
E: [email protected]
Graduated: 10/06/2012

bioghide Kathryn Walker DSH AdvPDHom FSHom
The Cottage, The College, Marsh Gibbon, Oxfordshire, OX27 0HW, UK - England
T: 07720598959
E: [email protected]
W: www.kathrynwalker.org
Graduated: 03/06/2012
Registered: The Society of Homeopaths (UK)
£80 first appointment £50 Follow up
BA Hons Dunelm; SOH , PCH
Bicester Oxfordshire

bioghide Peter Dunseith DSH AdvPDHom RSHom
2 Guston, Illtyd Avenue, Llantwit Major, Vale of Glamorgan, CF61 1TG, UK - Wales
T: 01446792083
E: [email protected]
W: southwaleshomeopath.co.uk
Graduated: 01/06/2012
Registered: The Society of Homeopaths (UK)
Classical homeopath practising in South Wales
B.Com. LLB. Dip.Hom

bioghide Sophie Knock DSH AdvPDHom RSHom
69a Roman Way, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8AD, UK - England
T: 01458 830293
E: [email protected]
W: www.holistichomeopath.co.uk
Graduated: 01/06/2012
Registered: The Society of Homeopaths (UK)
£65 per hour
£45 concessions and children (includes acute advice and remedies for 3 months after consultation ).
Sophie graduated from the School of Homeopathy in 2012 and completed the Dynamis post-graduate diploma in 2013. Within my practice I combine my knowledge of homeopathy, flower essences and nutrition alongside my Asyra Bioresonance machine which can test for food and environmental sensitivities.
School of Homeopathy and Dynamis Post graduate course with Jeremy Sherr.
I combine my homeopathic practice with bioresonance, food sensitivities, nutrition and flower essences to fully support my patients. I also work exclusively homoeopathically with a lot of young families.

bioghide Machteld van Haeften-Erkelens DSH AdvPDHom RSHom
Hugo de Grootlaan 32, 3818 TB Amersfoort, Netherlands
T: 01749 675216
E: [email protected]
W: www.fts-homeopathie.nl
Graduated: 01/06/2012
Registered: The Society of Homeopaths (UK)
£60 first consult; £40 follow-ups
£45 first consult Under 18's; £30 follow-ups
Dynamis School of Advanced Homeopathic Studies (grad 2013)
School of Homeopathy (grad 2012)
Speech and Language Therapy (Netherlands, grad 1989)
I am a classical homeopath, working at my practice 'Homeopathy Wells', where a diverse range of people of all ages (0-92!) have come to see me.
Besides running clinics, I am a mentor at The School of Homeopathy and a trustee of Homeopathy Action Trust.

bioghide Alison Matthews PDHom
2601 S 3rd W, Missoula, MT, 59804, United States
T: 406-207-4371
E: [email protected]
Graduated: 28/01/2011
$65US /session
extra for remedies
accept cash, check, paypal
Private practice in Missoula MT focusing on two modalities: homeopathy and body talk
PDHom School of Homeopathy
PhD City University of NYC
CBP International Body Talk Association
My focus in practice is to encourage motion to an increased sense of well being on all levels, body mind and spirit.

bioghide Carrie Stearns DHom
204 Utica St. #2, Ithaca, NY, 14850, United States
T: 607-279-3533
E: [email protected]
W: carriestearnshomeopath.blogspot.com
Graduated: 28/10/2010
Carrie practices classical homeopathy at The Padma Center for the Healing Arts in Ithaca NY. She holds a practitioner diploma from The School of Homeopathy, Devon England.
Finger Lakes School of Homeopathy 1996-97 and School of Homeopathy graduate
I practice in Ithaca NY as part of a group of holistic practitioners.

bioghide Emma McGuire PDHom RSHom
18, Poynings Place,, Old Portsmouth, Portsmouth, Hants, PO12PB, UK - England
T: +44 (0) 7746737630
E: [email protected]
W: www.homeopathy4me.com
Graduated: 01/09/2010
Registered: The Society of Homeopaths (UK)
Adult - £70/£50
Child - £55/£45
I studied my practitioner diploma over the course of 10 years during which we moved from the UK to Australia and back again, had three children and renovated and built a few houses along the way. I completed my clinical supervision back in the UK and promptly set up practice in Petersfield where we were living at the time.
I quickly became involved in working in a multidisciplinary team of natural therapists treating children with learning and behavioural disorders so I completed the CEASE therapy course, going on to do the advanced and 'Inspiring Homeopathy' levels.
After a few years of building experience in this area and a practice, we moved to the Middle East where we spent 3 1/2 years. While homeopathy is accepted in the Middle East, getting a licence to work as a homeopath is not easy so during this period I enrolled on the Sea Change student supervisor course with Sheila Ryan.
Now back from overseas and living in Portsmouth, I am looking to rebuild my practice, incorporating all the skills and knowledge I have gained along the way.
Student supervisor - Sea Change 2015
CEASE Therapist - 2011
Practitioner Diploma - SOH 2010
MA (Hons) Spanish and Italian, Edinburgh University
I am practising out of Salix Health and Wellbeing in Old Portsmouth and from home depending on time and availability.