
It is part of the School's UK Programme that students take part in the Proving of a new remedy. Participation in this process provides invaluable insights into the philosophy of healing as well as the action of homeopathic remedies. The results of these provings are made freely available to anyone, along with details of other provings undertaken by some of the School's faculty.
The School of Homeopathy believes in the spirit of sharing freely this germinal data of homeopathic practice. All of us who are involved in carrying out provings at the School are therefore delighted to present the fruits of our labours to the profession.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Anti-Matter (Positronium)
Atlantic Herring (Clupea Harengus)
Badger, European (Meles Meles)
Buckminsterfullerene (Carbo Fullerenum)
Goosegrass (Galium Aparine)
Holly (Ilex Aquifolium)
Ghost Pipe, Ice Plant (Monotropa Uniflora)
Kauri (Agathis Australis)
Latex, Condom (Latex Vulcani)
Lava, Flagstaff (Arizona Lava)
Lightning, Fulgurite (Fulgurite)
Locust, Desert (Schistocerca Gregaria)
LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide 25)
Meadowsweet (Filipendula Ulmaria)
Mole, European (Talpa Europaea)
New Water (Aqua Nova)
Oak Galls (Andricus Quercuscalicis)
Orchid, Southern Marsh (Dactylorhiza Praetermissa)
Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinus)
Red Campion (Silene dioica)
Reindeer Moss (Cladonia Rangiferina)
Serotonin (Serotonin hydrochloride)
Slate (Welsh Slate)
Sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni)
Sparrow, House (Passer Domesticus)
Spectrolite (Finnish Labradorite)
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
The provings presented on this page stem from the work of the School of Homeopathy. They have been conducted with students from Year Three, as provers, while students from Year Four acted as supervisors. All have been co-ordinated by experienced members of the School's faculty.
We are grateful for the hundreds of students who conduct provings at the School. We thank each and every one of you for giving your time, body and mind to the discovery of new remedies. Your dedication and hard work lives on through the countless patients and homeopaths who continue to benefit from it. Thank you.
Mani Norland:
The School Principal, was first involved in the Sparrow proving, when he was a student at the School. Since taking over as Principal in 2009, the School has continued to conduct a proving every year. Mani acted as Master Prover alongside Misha from 2011–17 on Indian pipe (2011), Mole (2012), Lightning (2013), Meadowsweet (2014), Holly (2015), Spectrolite (2016), and Red Campion (2017). He has worked with Luke Norland from 2018 to the present date on Sloth (2018), Serotonin (2019) and Swordfish (2020). Mani Norland and Luke Norland are the current Master Provers at the School.
Misha Norland:
Founded of the School of Homeopathy in 1981. He conducted his first proving in 1988 (AIDS) and, whilst it was not a School proving, he proved it again at the School of Homeopathy in 1994. The first School proving was that of the New Zealand kauri tree, Agathis australis, conducted in 1993. Misha has been involved with every proving at the School through to Red Campion in 2017 after which he retired. He set up the annual provings at the School that continue to this day. Third year students prove the remedies (stepping into their role as if they were patients giving their case) and the fourth year students supervise (stepping into their role as if they were practitioners) with the proving coordinator and assistants keeping a watchful eye. The provings and the creation of detailed proving diaries, extend over a nominal 2-month period (see ‘proving protocol’ in Introduction).
Peter Fraser:
A graduate of the School and a good friend of the Norland family. Peter’s work in assembling many of the School’s provings into a coherent, understandable whole, as well as thematising the provers’ diaries ‘as if they were one’ and repertorising was invaluable. Peter proved Falcon in 1996 while still a student at the School. He acted as Master Prover alongside Misha from 2001–10 on Latex (2001), Buckyballs (2002), Goosegrass (2003), Sparrow (2004), New Water (2006), Locust (2007), Herring (2008), Badger (2009) and Orchid (2010). He also worked on the analysis and writeups of AIDS (1994), Antimatter (1998), Falcon (1996), Kauri (1993), Lava (1994), LSD (1999), Oak gall (1998) and Slate (1996). Peter also taught at the School of Homeopathy for several years and presented his own seminars. Students and homeopaths loved his clarity of thought and depth of knowledge and he was part of the Travelling Homeopaths Collective for more than ten years. An accomplished author, many of the provings and other remedies were the subjects of his own books: www.homoeopathist.info In his last years he produced exquisitely printed texts and books, including works by Blake and Chaucer, which he typeset and printed himself on an antique press at his workshop. The legacy of his provings and his books demonstrate his extraordinary mind and unique talent. He is sadly missed.
Luke Norland:
Was a student at the School when Spectrolite was being proved in 2016. He started to get involved with the proving process in 2018 after graduating and went on to help with the analysis of Spectrolite (2016), Red Campion (2017), Sloth (2018), Serotonin (2019) and Swordfish (2020). Luke has been instrumental in the creation of rubrics for many of the later provings and has also reviewed all the School provings.
To view provings conducted outside the school please select from the following:
Proving database by Jeremy Sherr, Radar Opus and Archibel
Proving database by Jörg Wichmann
Provings by Peter Fraser and the School of Homeopathy
Provings by Jeremy Sherr and Dynamis
Provings by Louis Klein & Homeopathic Master Clinician Course
Provings by Patricia Hatherly
Provings by Linda Gwillim and Bill Rumble
Studying, teaching and thinking homeopathically has allowed me to understand myself, the world and what true health is in a way that I can only describe as miraculous.
Judith Mapleson, Tutor