
Homeopathy CPD Module
Clinical Observation Modules
Learn from homeopaths with over 30 years of case taking experience, including David Mundy FSHom and Janet Snowdon FSHom. The courses also includes example cases from leading homeopaths : Rajan Sankaran, Jan Scholten and Miranda Castro.
The Clinical Observation CPD Modules guide you through actual cases, taken by professional and experienced homeopaths. You will watch the cases via pre-recorded case files, gaining first hand experience on what it is like to take a case. Through the course you are given guidance on case taking and analysis. You then work on the assignment cases and submit them for full written feedback before moving onto the next unit.
We offer two Clinical Observation Video courses that count towards the hours needed for clinical observation as a homeopath. To become a homeopath students are required to complete a certain amount of hours (dependent on the country) of clinical observation, where they will watch real cases being taken. Our course enables you to gain these hours from the comfort of your own home. Drawing on our experience and vast amount of video cases we have carefully selected a compilation of real patient cases taken by experienced homeopaths. Each Clinical Observation Course comprises of five units, spread over a nominal period of six months of study. Each unit is made up of one example case with analysis and one assignment case for you to work on. Once completed, this course will enable you to continue with your development towards becoming a registered homeopath.
Learning is delivered through a combination of: DVD recordings of each case; course study notes and diagrams; the use of supporting course text books (repertory and material medicas). The course can be taken by correspondence or e-learning. Using our e-learning site, you can access the audio-visual files online, take your case notes and answer assignments on them. Learning is supported by various on-line student resources.
Clinical Observation Overview
Each module has:
Units: 5
Study hours: 90-120
Credits: 12
Clinical observation hours: 60
Length: 6 months
Nominal completion time: 12 months
Included: course manual, movie lectures
Study options: correspondence or e-learning
Certificate: CPD Certificate in Clinical Observation
The cases in each Unit will take around 2-4 hours to watch. Depending on your level, the case assignment could take anything from 4 hours to 24 hours to complete. In the early days of case analysis many students put several days work into one case. The whole course is designed to span a nominal period of 6 months. Many students will do more but as a guide (using the above hours as an indication) you will need around 7 hours of study a week in order to complete the work within the 6-month period. It is up to you, however, to determine how long you are willing or able to commit to this study each week, and hence how long you actually take to complete the course. We regard this flexibility of time as very important, so that you can approach your study in the way that best suits your individual circumstances.
The CPD Modules
We send you the printed course module, handouts and movie lectures that accompany the course.
Course Module
Each course (Misha Norland, David Mundy or Janet Snowdon) contains 5 unit of 25-35 pages each. At the end of the Unit there is an case assignment for you to work on. Your case work is submitted to your tutor for observation and marking, assessment and feedback. You then move onto the next Unit. You will complete 5 assessment cases over the duration of the CPD Module.
Movie lectures
A key part of your study material are the recorded cases. These recordings of live cases from a verity of homeopaths provide a stimulating means of learning about the subject and ensure you get 'real life' cases to work on.
No books are provided with this CPD Module as it is assumed you will already have the required books. You will need a Repertory and Materia Medicas.
Patient confidentiality
Please note that patient faces are blurred to protect their identity. We have a duty to uphold patient confidentiality and by enrolling on the School course you agree to always keep all patient cases confidential. Whilst patients have given consent for their cases to be used for educational purposes all patients’ cases must remain strictly confidential.

500 million people use homeopathy everyday! Used by 1 in 8 people in the UK, 27 percent of Germans, 40 percent of French and 62 percent of India to name but a few! It is an integral part of the healthcare systems in Germany, France, India, and Brazil. Millions of patients benefit from homeopathy every day.
Target Group Index, Global Survey with 25,000 participants, 2005.

What I love about homeopathy is the satisfaction of the one to one contact with the patients, and the feeling that you're really making a difference to peoples lives.
Amelia Sinclair, Graduate