
Australian Programme
We brought our study course to Australia in 1988, and have been providing homeopathic education to Australian students over 35 years ago. The School of Homeopathy’s course is recognised by the Australian Register of Homoeopaths in the Australia and Institute of Homeopathy Accreditation in the UK. This means all Australian students who successfully graduate from our programme (with additional modules) can apply for registration of the Australian Register of Homoeopaths. Our course combines the flexibility of home study with the rigorous training needed to become a successful homeopathic practitioner. That’s because students can blend in-depth independent work with hands on, face-to-face clinical training through online clinics, summer schools and a clinical supervision process. Webinars and personal tutors also provide community and support to your independent work.
Our flexible approach means that you can begin your study with the program at anytime and choose when and where you study and to what level. You can even ‘port’ the course from one country to another; and you have an open invitation to attend classes and clinics at our home base in the UK. All this adds up to making our course the most in-depth and flexible program available. Read on and see why so many have trained with us.
Our programme progresses through four levels (see the courses section of the site for more detail). For those who wish to practice homeopathy we offer our highest certification, the Homeopathy Practitioner Advanced Diploma PDHom (Adv), this course consists of:
Time: 4 Year period (flexible)
Study: Homeopathy Units 1 – 26
Audio recording: 122 presentations
Audio visual recording: memory stick, 258 lectures
Clinical Observation: 100 hours
Clinical Supervision: 20 cases and 20 follow-ups
Medical Science: Anatomy & Physiology and Pathology & Disease
Physical Examination (additional module)
Course Overview
Each year of the course is divided into easy to manage Units, which you study whilst listening to the audio and movie lectures from the School and reading the specially selected books. The recordings bring the best of the classroom teachings to you at home. You get numerous recordings of patient cases with discussions as well as generous amounts of supporting information, examples of student work and model answers. During the course you are guided through the topics by reference to books and supporting explanations, descriptions, and diagrams. You are able to check your progress and reinforce your learning through self-assessment questions and model answers. At the end of each Unit you write up your assessments and then send them off to your personal tutor. All our tutors are highly skilled mentors and experienced professional homeopaths. Most of them studied with us at the School of Homeopathy.
Each course is accompanied by a book list that is essential reading for your study. We offer these books with a discount through The School of Health.
Clinical Observation
Most home study students complete their 100 hours of clinical observation via the Online Clinics included in the course fee. We hold online clinics once a month in the Australian time zone. Please check the events are of the School website or Online Learning System for the full timetable and ensure you have the dates in your diary.
Students can also gain 50 hours by attending one of the School 6/7 Day Summer Schools in the UK. To get the most out of a Summer School students usually choose to attend in year 2, 3 and/or 4.
You can gain your Clinical Observation hours via additional means, such as: sitting in with a homeopath, clinical events and homeopath-led study groups – see below. The focus of the clinical observation training must be on case taking, case analysis, prescribing and case management. You can gain a maximum of 50 hours via external event. Please always ask for a certificate of attendance with dates, hours, content detailed and signed off. These hours also need to be logged using the School’s ‘external clinical observation form’ (you complete one form after each event/case). Contact the School if you would like the form. Please also check first to ensure the event will count towards your Clinical Observation.
Sitting in with a homeopath
Finding a local homeopath who is willing to let you sit in with them whilst they take cases is a wonderful way to learn. If you are able to find someone willing to work in this way, you must keep documented evidence of attendance, signed by the homeopath.
Clinical events
Another great way to gain your clinical observation training is through a professional clinic. You can contact other homeopathy course providers in Australia and ask about their clinical events. Details of these maybe advertised online or in the homeopathic journals and newsletters.
Homeopath-led study groups
These are an ideal way of developing an in-depth understanding of case management and prescribing. They also provide opportunities for networking with other students and practitioners. Any study group should be led by a homeopath and should centre on case work and discussion.
Clinical Supervision
Clinical Supervision is an important part of our full study programme. It not only provides you with support and guidance as you ‘find your way’ during your initial case-taking, but also provides valuable guidance and skill development of your overall skills and understanding to help you become a better practitioner. You will be given clear guidelines to this process, as well as advice in setting up your practice, at the beginning of Year 3 of your studies (Unit 16).
Australian students must complete supervision with an AROH registered practitioner/supervisor (who also has training and assessment qualifications) or with one of the School of Homeopathy’s trained supervisors from the School Supervision Network.
AROH require 40 documented cases (20 initial consultations and 20 follow up consultations - maximum of 3 follow up consultations of any single case may be counted). Therefore, if you wish to apply to AROH you must adapt your supervision to meet their 40 case requirement.
In Australia (as with many other countries) you can conduct the supervision in person online. AROH stipulate 100% virtual supervision of students, of which 80% case taking can be virtual between the student, patient and supervisor and 20% can be virtual supervision of face-to-face student/patient.
Physical Examination
Australian students are required to study an additional module on Physical Examinations as part of the requirement to become a homeopath in Australia and register with AROH. If you do not already have this training you can study this with us or an outside organisation. We provide an AROH-approved module that was specifically written for this requirement. It is a distance learning module with face-to-face assessment. The course provides the skills and knowledge required to perform screening examination of vital signs and physical condition and to make a screening assessment of the client using the procedures governed by the application of local legislation. This requires face-to-face contact hours and you may need to travel (in Australia) to work with the assessor at the end of the module.
First Aid (HLTFA311A Apply First Aid)
You will be required to have First Aid knowledge at the standard required by St John Ambulance Australia and Australian Red Cross. The First Aid requirement is the Australian nationally recognised subject (Unit of Competency) called 'HLTFA311A Apply first aid', which is offered by training organisations throughout Australia as a stand-alone subject. It is usually 2 days face-to-face, or 1 day plus online/distance learning.
Homeopathy Practitioner Advanced Diploma PDHom (Adv)
This is the highest level diploma offered by the School of Homeopathy. There are no formal examinations; rigorous external assessment is provided through completion of the comprehensive assignments sets, with high standards of tutor marking. The full Practitioners Course Diploma is equivalent to UK vocational Degree level or NVQ Level 6 and will ensure your homeopathic career has the best possible start.
We also offer various intermediate certificates and diplomas so you can complete just one section of the Program, have a break and then continue with another section at a later date if you wish.
The School awards these main stages of certification for students progressing through the Program, plus certificates on completion of The School of Health’s Anatomy & Physiology, Pathology & Disease, and Nutrition (optional) courses.
Taster Credit
Units 1-2 completed with tutor marking, where the student does not continue onto the Foundation Course.
Year One: Foundation Certificate
Units 1-7, one weekend UK summer school (optional)
Year Two: Introduction into Practice Certificate
Units 8-14, A&P course, clinical observation hours (optional)
Year Three: Homeopathy Higher Diploma (part 1) Certificate
Units 15-20, clinical observation hours
Year Four: Homeopathy Higher Diploma (part 2) Certificate
Units 21-26, P&D course, clinical observation hours
Clinical Observation
250 clinic hours gained throughout coursework, and additional 100 hours required for this level, gained via:
Monthly Online Clinics included in the course fees.
Option of UK 7 Day summer school = 50 hours
Option of sitting in with local homeopath
Clinical Supervision
20 cases with 20 follow-ups over 18 month period.
Homeopathy Practitioner Advanced Diploma PDHom (Adv)
Awarded having met all the above criteria.
The School of Homeopathy’s course is recognised by the Australian Register of Homoeopaths in Australia. This means Australian students who successfully graduate from our programme have the option to apply for membership of the Australian Register of Homoeopaths.
As a student in Australia, you have two choices for going into practice:
1. As a non-registered homeopath
2. As a registered homeopath (via AROH)
If you do not wish to become a registered homeopath in Australia you can legally practice without registration. However, we encourage you to become a registered homeopath if you can as this helps to raise the standards of homeopathy, protect patients, support the profession and help homeopaths.
If you decide not to be a registered homeopath you can complete the course meeting the Requirements for School of Homeopathy Advanced Practitioner Diploma (PDHom Adv). If you would like to be a registered homeopathic practitioner, you also complete the additional Requirements for AROH recognition and registration in Australia.
Please read this section carefully and if you have any questions please contact us and we will help. The Australian Register of Homoeopaths prefer that you only contact them at the time of registration, when you have completed your course.
Our Australian Programme is similar to our UK Programme. Since the School of Homeopathy is a recognised leader in homeopathic education, the UK diploma, which is given on completion of our Practitioner Course, leads to immediate registration in the UK. The UK programme is fully accredited by the Institute of Homeopathy Accreditation and leads to registration with The Society of Homeopaths who are one of British representatives on the European and International Councils for Classical Homeopathy. The Society of Homeopaths was established in 1978 and is the largest organisation representing professional homeopaths in the UK.
We are members of:
The Association of the British Correspondence College (ABCC)
The British Holistic Medical Association (BHMA)
The Complementary Medical Association (CMA)
Homeopathy Training (HT)
Council of Homeopathy Schools and Colleges (CHSC)
Recognised by:
The Australian Register of Homoeopaths (AROH)
Institute of Homeopathy Accreditation (IHA)
The Society of Homeopaths
Alliance of Registered Homeopaths
The Homeopathic Medical Association
Council for Homeopathic Certification
West Coast Homeopathic Society
Portuguese Homeopathic Association
Partnered with:
North American Society of Homeopaths
National Center for Homeopathy
Please read more about our courses and the School on the rest of the site and if you have any questions please contact us.

500 million people use homeopathy everyday! Used by 1 in 8 people in the UK, 27 percent of Germans, 40 percent of French and 62 percent of India to name but a few! It is an integral part of the healthcare systems in Germany, France, India, and Brazil. Millions of patients benefit from homeopathy every day.
Target Group Index, Global Survey with 25,000 participants, 2005.

What I love about homeopathy is the satisfaction of the one to one contact with the patients, and the feeling that you're really making a difference to peoples lives.
Amelia Sinclair, Graduate