Books and booklets by Misha, Mani & Luke Norland and the School of Homeopathy

A Celebration of Provings
By The School of Homeopathy
The School, being in its 40th year in 2021, offers this text to the profession as a celebration of its ongoing work in the field of provings. Particulars in the book were seeded by the accumulating proving material that has matured in the garden of the School of Homeopathy. The book’s purpose is to provide you, the homeopathic reader, with an overview of the remedies, providing an engaging walk through a garden of delights – and, being remedies, a garden of suffering too – that you may encounter new agents for the healing of your patients.
Each substance has a core synthesis derived from the provers dairies, a short history of the substance in nature and mythology, themes, rubrics, miasms and a mappa mundi.
AIDS, Antimatter, Arizona basaltic lava, Atlantic herring, Badger (European), Buckminsterfullerene, Desert locust, European mole, Goosegrass, Holly, House sparrow, Indian pipe, Kauri, Labradorite (Finnish), Latex (condom), Lightning, LSD, Meadowsweet, New water, Oak gall, Peregrine falcon, Red campion, Reindeer moss, Serotonin, Slate, Sloth and Southern marsh orchid.
Order online at: www.schoolofhealth.com

The Four Elements in Homeopathy
by Misha Norland
Mappa Mundi is a system for understanding processes in terms of elemental energies. It can be used as a method of analysing the totality by subdivision, perceiving a state of dynamic balance in terms of action and reaction. These principals can be applied to help us understand homeopathic cases and determine what needs to be cured in each individual case. This methodology has its origins in many ancient cultures. While being most familiar to us via the classical Greek scholars, it has been expanded upon by the homeopath Joseph Reves.
Misha's book, which has been produced in conjunction with Mani Norland, introduces the origins of the Mappa Mundi and then goes on to explain the Doctrine of Polarity, the Elements and Temperaments. A brief overview of Alchemy in relation to Psychology and the Mappa Mundi is also included.
This is a fascinating book that places homeopathy in the wider context of life and nature, and illustrates how this understanding can be applied to help the practitioner view symptoms from a 'new' perspective as part of their case analysis.
The energetic profile of hundreds of remedies, obtained by considering signature and source and applying the Map's methodology, is given for comparison with the profile of a patient - a match indicating a remedy to consider.
Order online at: www.schoolofhealth.com

Signatures, Miasms, AIDS
by Misha Norland and Claire Robinson
At last - the book from Misha Norland, Principal of the School of Homeopathy. The book examines the historical and alchemical background of healing, placing homeopathy firmly within the context of the ancient, unchanging and practical truths of the 'eternal philosophy'. Based upon this, a model for potency selection is offered.
Order online at: www.schoolofhealth.com

Get Well Soon - A Guide to Homeopathic First Aid
by Misha & Mani Norland and The School of Homeopathy
Produced by students and graduates of The School of Homeopathy, this is a self-help guide to first aid using homeopathy. It provides an introduction to homeopathy and use of homeopathic medicines, an index of common ailments with recommend remedies to be used for various combinations of symptoms, and a brief symptom picture of common first-aid remedies. This is a very practical guide, with informative and amusing drawings of remedy pictures to help you remember them.
Order online at: www.schoolofhealth.com

By Luke Norland
Animalia aims to simplify the process of researching animal remedies for both students and seasoned professionals alike. This practical book illuminates the Homeopathic themes of 6 animal families through the prism of mythology, mappa mundi, provings, cases and repertory. There is also a useful appendix on the miasms and their mythological correspondences. Beginning with a broad outline and differentiation of the 3 main kingdoms (animal, plant & mineral), and a comprehensive introduction to the circle of elements, Luke goes on to outline themes of the Spiders, Birds, Insects, Mammals, Snakes and Sea animals. He synthesises provers’ expressions from a diverse selection of classical and modern texts to give an insight into the raw human experience of the different remedy states belonging to each group. Then he gives portraits of a wide selection of individual remedies from within each group, where you will find source information, characteristic rubrics, extracts from the provers and case examples. These portraits are designed to sit alongside existing materia medica, focusing on the singular expressions that may with time and further clinical use become guiding symptoms.
Order online at: www.schoolofhealth.com
For more than twenty years Misha has been a central figure in our world of homeopathy, and rightly so. He's a wonderful blend of a seeker's yearning to understand this world in great depth and a practical dynamo who makes things happen.
David Warkentin, Founding Director, Kent Homeopathic Associates