Charitable Links
Amongst others the School of Homeopathy works with and supports the following six charities working in homeopathy:
Homeopathy Action Trust
Travelling Homoeopaths Collective
The Homeopathy Research Institute
Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century (H:MC21)
The Maun Homeopathy Project
Ghana Homeopathy Project
For more information about these charities, to make donations or get involved please contact them direct through their websites below.
Homeopathy Action Trust
About Homeopathy Action Trust (HAT)
HAT’s aims are to make homeopathy more widely available, so more people can benefit from its gentle but powerful effectiveness. The Trust is a fund-raising and fund-giving charity, seeking through its activities to bring together patients and potential users, homeopathic students and professional homeopaths.
Homeopathy Action Trust’s aims are to:
• promote study and research into homeopathy and publish results
• assist homeopathy through funding of student grants
• fund health centres, hospitals and/or other institutions for health care
• educate the public in the art and science of homeopathy
• contribute to the relief of sickness on a wider scale Student Bursaries
HAT awards funds to homeopathic students. You are eligible if you:
• have successfully completed at least one year of training
• are already in receipt of government benefits
HAT is open for anyone to join and there are lots of benefits. To find out more please contact them.
The Homeopathy Research Institute
The Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) is an international charity dedicated to the facilitation of scientific research in homeopathy. The institute was founded by Executive Director Dr. Alexander Tournier who holds a PhD in Biophysics and is a fellow at Cancer Research UK, in addition to being a qualified homeopath.
Sign up for our quarterly newsletter
The Homeopathy Research Institute Newsletter will allow you to keep up to date with key developments in homeopathy research effortlessly. Our clinical research director (Dr. Clare Relton PhD), basic science research director (Dr. Alex Tournier) and guest authors take jargon-filled scientific papers from all areas of homeopathy research and translate them into these easy-to-read publications sent to you free of charge via email.
The institute is the first dedicated central resource of its kind and will be playing a pivotal role in the future of homeopathy research, but its work is entirely dependent on donations. We therefore welcome the invaluable contribution of new supporters. To join the Homeopathy Research Institute community, make a donation or to find out more, please visit www.homeoinst.org or contact us at:
Email: [email protected]
Charity number: 1132901
Travelling Homoeopaths Collective
The Travelling Homoeopaths Collective was established in the summer of 1990 to provide a charitable drop-in Homoeopathic Clinic at out door public events, music festivals and fairs. We treat thousands of people every year at many festivals including Glastonbury (where some 20 practitioners cover a period of 18 hours during the day), Larmer Tree, Cambridge Folk Festival, Wychwood Music Festival and The Big Green Gathering.
The Clinic offers treatment for acute conditions, such as hay fever, sun stroke, sunburn, digestive upsets, coughs, and colds, all common occurrences at such events. We also offer advice and support for people who have chronic or more long-term disorders and diseases.
The Collective is made up of Qualified, Registered and Insured Homoeopaths who work on a voluntary basis. All donations received go towards maintenance, travel expenses, and the further promotion of Homoeopathy.
Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century (H:MC21) is a charity set up to promote homeopathy, and to defend the right of people in the UK to choose homeopathy as a therapy within the National Health Service, as set out in its charter.
The first project is a survey of the number of people in the UK who have used a homeopathic remedy and been benefited by it, whether the remedy was prescribed by a homeopath, by another medical practitioner, by a friend, or self-prescribed. The purpose of this is to establish the extent to which this system of medicine has helped the general public, and to support demands that this therapy be taken seriously.
The Charity's objects (the Objects) are to advance the education of the public in the subject of homeopathy through:
Research into
• the extent of use of homeopathic treatment;
• the range of outcomes of use of homeopathic treatment;
• the level of public interest in the use of homeopathy;
Publication of such research
• conducted by the Charity;
• conducted by others;
Campaigning for increased levels of research and use of homeopathy.
The School of Homeopathy works with two charities that are working on the ground in Africa to give health care and support and to assist in educating local people towards self sufficiency.
The School’s home study course is the cornerstone in these two programmes. The School and its tutors sponsor the training programme, which initially includes free places for trainees worth several thousand pounds each. The School of Health is also supplying its home study medical science courses.
The Maun Homeopathy Project
MHP is a registered charity and was set up to:
• establish a permanent and free homeopathic service for those living with HIV and AIDS and/or traumatised by rape in Maun, Botswana
• work in partnership with agencies in the local community
• offer holistic care to people suffering from illness, trauma & stigma
• travel light with a mobile clinic providing an outreach service
• recruit and support local people to train in homeopathy
Since 2002, The Maun Homeopathy Clinic has been running free homeopathy outreach clinics in Maun, a fast growing town in the north of Botswana, where over 35% of the people are infected with HIV or AIDS, one of the highest rates in the world. The epidemic has put this hitherto strong and confident democratic country into crisis and the Maun community like the rest of the country is suffering as a result. Everyone is affected and trying to cope with its daily devastating effects. Maun is now the centre for the provision of medical and social care for people affected by HIV and traumatised by rape living in the town and its surrounding areas, but more help and other approaches are desperately needed. Homeopathy fills the gap for a holistic approach to healing which is complementary to the existing and stretched medical and counselling services.
Ghana Homeopathy Project
The Ghana Homeopathy Project vision is the establishment of homeopathy as a recognised part of the health care system in Africa and Ghana in particular. Our charity's main objective is the relief and prevention of disease working closely with local community developments and initiatives. Further, we support the development of homeopathic education and vocational training facilities together with local partners, in conjunction with established health workers and local practices. Our vision extends to make homeopathy available to deprived communities as a valid and affordable form of treatment and to initiate health education.
We work with the Ghanaian Code of Ethics for Traditional and Alternative Medicine and promote high professional standards. The project contributes to a shared vision of of communities provided with heath services which make the best use of existent and emerging health practices. We envisage an expansion of clinics throughout the region managed and supported by local people with the aim to become sustainable and self reliant.
All the charities are always on the lookout for assistance and funding. If you think you can help please contact them via their websites.

Homeopathy research is pioneering research, telling us something new about water, a new state of matter, and it potentially has huge implications for lots of areas in society.
Dr Alex Tournier, HRI