
The School of Homeopathy is passionate about good research in homeopathy. Research has been integral to homeopathy from its very beginnings in that unique variety of research which we know as ‘proving’ and in his lifetime Dr Samuel Hahnemann worked tirelessly to improve the practice of homeopathy. He developed his theory primarily through observation and meticulous case study of thousands of patients. He was an ardent researcher with an incessant striving for greater knowledge. Research helps us improve patient care, learn about new medicines and understand homeopathy.The School of Homeopathy undergoes research each year when it conducts a proving and publishes information on new remedies.

The School offers a 60 hour distance learning module for those that are interested to know more about Research in Homeopathy.

We also support the work of the Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI). HRI is an international charity created to address the need for high quality scientific research in homeopathy. The charity was founded by physicist, Dr Alexander Tournier, who previously worked as an independent researcher for Cancer Research UK, conducting interdisciplinary research at the boundaries between mathematics, physics and biology.

If you are interested in reading about the research and evidence in homeopathy we recomend these website:



Homeopathy Research institute

Homeopathy Research Institute

HRI was created to address the need for high quality scientific research in homeopathy.

Scientists, doctors and homeopathic clinicians working with Homeopathy Research Institute are looking for answers to the key questions in homeopathy, using the most rigorous methods available:
How does homeopathy work?
What can homeopathy treat?
What does it cost compared with conventional medical treatments?

Why do we need more research?
Whilst homeopathy is widely accepted in some countries e.g. France, Germany and India, it remains controversial in others, particularly the UK. In this era of evidence-informed practice, this will remain the case until we can provide decision-makers with more information about how homeopathy works and what it can do. Carrying out research of such high quality that its findings are indisputable, is the only way to move past the current impasse in the highly charged homeopathy debate and bring the benefits of homeopathy to many more patients.

Why do we need Homeopathy Research Institute?
Homeopathy is a complex subject that is only just starting to be explored. From what we know so far, the evidence suggests that homeopathy could provide solutions to many of the challenges facing us today – from overuse of antibiotics to spiraling healthcare budgets – but to know for sure, we need more hard data. Despite its potential, research in homeopathy is not a government priority. For example, in the UK only 0.0085% of the total medical research budget is spent on the entire field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Until this changes, the work of HRI is essential.

HRI relies entirely on donations. With your help, they can carry out the high quality research needed to determine the precise role homeopathy could, and should, play in the healthcare systems of the future.

To join the Homeopathy Research Institute community, make a donation or to find out more, please visit or contact us at:

Email: [email protected]
Executive Director: Dr Alexander Tournier
Chief Executive: Rachel Roberts
Charity number: 1132901

Homeopathy is a complex subject that is only just starting to be explored. From what we know so far, the evidence suggests that homeopathy could provide solutions to many of the challenges facing us today, we just need more good research.
Homeopathy is a complex subject that is only just starting to be explored. From what we know so far, the evidence suggests that homeopathy could provide solutions to many of the challenges facing us today, we just need more good research.

Rachel Roberts
Homeopathy research is pioneering research, telling us something new about water, a new state of matter, and it potentially has huge implications for lots of areas in society.
Homeopathy research is pioneering research, telling us something new about water, a new state of matter, and it potentially has huge implications for lots of areas in society.

Dr Alexander Tournier