Enrolment check list
When enrolling onto any of our homeopathy courses please ensure you understand the following prerequisites:
Do you understand:
The subject – have you read up a bit about homeopathy?
It is important that you have researched the subject you wish to learn so you are fully aware what you are 'getting yourself into'. The professional homeopathy courses require an investment in time and money and you want to be sure the course is right for you. It is also helpful if you have experienced first-hand the therapy you wish to study. If you would like to talk more about the course subjects please contact us.
The study hours – 14-16 hours a week for most courses (7 hours for medical science).
Most of our courses require 14-16 hours a week (if you want to complete them in the suggested time frames - although we give flexible study periods so you can study at a faster or slower pace if you wish).
The financials – the cost of the courses and any books or clinical events.
Do you have the finances in place to complete your study? Check the course fees and any additional books (see book lists) or clinical events/supervision that may be required as part of the course. You can pay for the courses in instalments. If you would like more information about instalment payments please contact us.
The assignments – continual assessment, no exams, essay style.
The courses are divided into Units. At the end of each Unit you complete written assignments, which are marked before you move onto the next Unit. There are no exams. If you need help, you can ask your personal tutor. If you get part of an assignment wrong, you will be asked to resubmit that assignment. If you get stuck on a certain point you will be offered a tutorial.
The technology – access to internet and a computer – check study method, online or correspondence.
Most students complete the courses online and make use of the webinars, movie lectures, online tutorials and assignment uploading and feedback system. Everything works through a web browser. If you do not wish to do the course online we can provide the movie lectures on a memory stick and you can have your tutorials over the phone. If you have no access to technology it is possible to do the courses via correspondence, posting everything. If you are unable to type your assignments then, as a last resort, you can hand write and post your work - but your handwriting has to be neat. If your personal tutor cannot read it, it will be sent back. If you have any questions please contact us, we are more than happy to dicuss your requirements.
Home study – making your space work for your study.
Studying at home allows you the freedom to learn an incredible subject in the comfort of your own space, with a faculty team to hand, all within the time that suits you. Sometimes you will be juggling work, family and study commitments and it can take practice. Have you thought about where you will work and how you will fit it in?
Check your ability:
Age – are you over 18?
Most students who come to natural medicine (nutrition, homeopathy, naturopathy, herbal medicine etc.) are mature learners. Our courses are open to anyone who is over the age of 18. If you are under 18 years old you may still be able to enrol, please contact us to discuss your situation and our ‘Applicants under the age of 18’ policy.
Education level – have you studied to ‘A’ level (NVQ level 3) or above?
If you are 18 then it is expected that you will have completed school and ‘A’ levels. If you are a mature learner, you may well have studied to ‘A’ level or higher. It’s not unusual for our students to start without formal qualifications and become excellent practitioners. If you do not feel you meet the entry requirements an assessment of prior learning or life experience may be considered at the School's discretion. Every application is assessed on its individual merits. Above all, we ask that you come with life and work experience, vocational aptitude and an open mind and heart. We are here to help, please contact us to discuss your personal situation.
Fluency in English – will you be able to understand all of the material, reading and writing?
You need to be able to understand everything and express yourself. If English is not your first language then you need to be proficient in the language so you can access the course material and resources, complete the assignments and have good communication with your personal tutor.
Capacity for study – self motivation, place to study and good study schedule.
Have you studied by distance learning before? Getting organised for study is a bit like starting a new job. You need to plan your time, fix up your work space, make sense of paperwork and course materials, use new online resources and introduce yourself to people. The organisational skills you will practise here might equally apply to many workplace contexts. It will require high levels of dedication and self-motivation. The onus is on you, as an adult learner, to complete the study and meet the deadlines. We do set deadlines and send reminders, but ultimately it is down to you to progress well through your study.
Last studied – when did you last do any formal study?
The courses start gradually and unfold as you go, so you are guided at every step. Most of our students are mature students and are often returning to study after a long break, so the courses are designed with this in mind. We provide ample support for those returning to, or are new to, study and we do everything we can to help you succeed. Healing talents, commitment and life experience count for a lot. Having an awareness of, and a desire to be free from, prejudice is also desirable, as fixed attitudes obscure not only another’s truth (your patient’s for example) but also your capacity to absorb new ideas.
If you have any questions or want any help with any of the above points please contact us and we will be more than happy to help and offer guidance and experience. We have helped thousands of people realise their dreams, change career and work in homeopathy. If you are unsure, give us a call: +44 (0)1453 709 709.
Any questions about the enroling requirements, please do call: 44 (0)1453 709 709