Should homeopathy be blacklisted in general practice?

I have not prescribed them myself but I know of many GPs and patients who find homeopathic preparations helpful, especially in clinical areas where there is no satisfactory conventional treatment. They are cheap and entirely safe, which cannot always be said of conventional treatment.


Is the concern about cost? That is implausible as GP prescriptions cost a mere £100,000 per annum, approximately £10 per UK General Practice but effectively less as some patients will be paying for them and they may reduce other prescriptions or medical costs.

Is it about evidence? Possibly, and that is because the necessary pragmatic trials on comparative cost effectiveness have never been done. Homeopathy thus joins the frequently quoted 25% of general practice activity that has an insufficient evidence base… So, why not do the research rather than single out homeopathy for blacklisting?


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This entry was posted on 23 November 2015 at 15:10 and is filed under Homeopathy | Alternative Medicine | Inspiration | Environment.