Homeopathic remedy picture.
Just about everything aggravates this person: heat, cold, night, covering up, uncovering and so on. Their temperature is unstable and so are their moods. At their worst, they feel so angry they could kill.
They can have a keen sense of personal injustice, feeling that the world is their enemy and out to get them. They can develop
an ‘I’ll get them before they get me’ attitude, or they can feel defeated and depleted. They have a bad taste in their mouths and offensive breath, even the discharge from their nose smells, and their saliva stains the pillow yellow. They are very thirsty and sweaty and dribble a lot at night.
Worse: Heat; cold; damp; extremes of temperature; warmth of bed; uncovering; night.
Better: Rest; lying down.
The above remedy excerpt is from the homeopathy book 'Get Well Soon' produced by Misha Norland and The School of Homeopathy in collaboration with students and graduates, this is a self-help guide to using first aid homeopathy and contains over 50 remedies. It provides an introduction to homeopathy and use of homeopathic medicines, an index of common ailments with recommend remedies to be used for various combinations of symptoms.
This entry was posted on 05 April 2019 at 14:10 and is filed under Homeopathy | Alternative Medicine | Education.