
Jude Wills

Jude Wills, POCH, RSHom
Jude discovered homeopathy in 1983 due to ill health and a reluctance to 'just take the pills.' She began studying at the College of Homeopathy in London in 1984, transfrred to the full time course in Glasgow in 1985 and followed this by studying with Sheilagh Creasy leading to studying with Dynamis in the late 80's. Jude became a tutor for the School of Homeopathy in 1989. She was ordained as an Interfaith/Peace Minister in 2002.

Carmel Searson

Carmel Searson, DSH
Carmel's background is in Environmental Biology, she was teaching in London when she came across homeopathy in 1988. Hooked from the start she joined the School of Homeopathy's course and graduated in 1992. She began tutoring on the corrsepondence course in 2004. Carmel loves the interation with students and feels honoured that they share so much of their learning and insights.

Nick Taylor

Nick Taylor DSH RSHom
Nick graduated from the School in 1993 and set up practice from his home in Devon. Later he attended Jeremy Sherr's Dynamis post graduate course which helped him develop his homeopathy skills further. The School has always remained close to his heart and he works with us in many levels as mentor, supervisor, and teacher. Nick's passion for homeopathy really began through reading Kent's Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy which he still enjoys to this day.

Elaine Watson

Elaine Watson, LBSH, 
Elaine has been in in practice since 1994 and teaches medical science at the School. She was a research scientist in marine biology and microbiology. She studied homeopathy at the British School of Homeopathy (BSH) and graduated in the mid 90s, as well as having three children, two dogs, several cats and ducks along the way. She has been teaching medical sciences at the BSH since 1993 and has also taught at the Welsh School and been a tutor for The School of Health since 1995. She works in South Wales and Copenhagen and has had some rewarding experiences working with the children of Chernobyl.

Recently Elaine wrote two new courses "Anatomy and Physiology for Homeopaths" and “Pathology and Disease for Homeopaths” which she really hopes will enthuse and inspire the homeopaths of the future with the wonders of the human body and allow them to integrate fully their homeopathic knowledge with medical science.

Karen Leadbeater

Karen Leadbeater, DSH RSHom
Karen is based in west Devon, and practises in Tavistock and Calstock. She attended the School, qualifying in 1998, and has since maintained a personal link through working as mentor and lecturer at the School since 2000. She is actively involved in the School of Homeopathy Supervisors’ Network, regularly attending Network supervision days and supervision courses, and has been supervising School students and students of other colleges since 2002. She has more recently begun supervising and mentoring for home study students on the International programme.

Lindsay Samuelson

Lindsay Samuelson, DSH, RSHom
Lindsay’s exploration outside of the medical mainstream came about after witnessing her mother’s journey through the system. The experience left her feeling there must be another way. She subsequently enrolled in a 4 year Naturopathic Medical program where she first discovered and fell in love with homeopathy. After graduating as a Naturopath, she enrolled at School of Homeopathy and later Dynamis School. She participated in several provings and professional study groups.  She volunteered with the Traveling Homeopaths and worked at Helios Pharmacy as a dispenser. Lindsay has a busy practice in her hometown Sylvania, Ohio, USA.

Lissi Sigillo

Lissi Sigillo, DSH, CCH, RSHom
Though Lissi earned a degree in Fine Arts and spent her early adulthood as a painter and graphic designer, she had always been interested in psychology and the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and physical illness. She became passionately interested in homeopathy after reading 2 books—one by George Vithoulkas and the other by Rajan Sankaran. The principles of homeopathy resonated deeply with her and ultimately she knew that she wanted to study seriously and commit herself to being a practitioner. Lissi relocated from NYC to Colorado a few years ago and runs a busy online practice from there. She co-admins two online Facebook groups—Homeopathy Study Group of North America, a place for students and new practitioners to share ideas and the Complete Repertory Group created by Roger Van Zandvoort, for homeopaths worldwide to explore the repertory and their cases with colleagues.

Jenny Grist

Jenny Grist, DSH RSHom
Jenny Grist changed her career eleven years ago to train as a homeopath with the School of Homeopathy. Homeopathy had already been part of her life for the previous ten years, having read widely on the subject and used the remedies to treat the animals on the farm where she lives. It was the success of these early homeopathic cases that brought her to realise how powerful and effective homeopathy could be. Since qualifying as a homeopath in 2002, Jenny went on to study at the Dynamis School for Advanced Homeopathy, graduating in 2006. Jenny has built up a thriving practice in Mid Devon and now teaches at various schools including the attendance course at the School of Homeopathy. She is also a supervisor for the registration process for newly-qualified members of the Society of Homeopaths.

Beverley Nickolls

Beverley Nickolls, MA DSH RSHom
Bev originally worked in Further and Higher Education on therapy training courses for adults returning to study. She qualified with the School of Homeopathy via both the home study and attendance courses and found the flexibility and support invaluable. Homeopathy has always been in the foreground of family life and Bev has used it with her own children from birth....now young adults! Bev runs a busy clinic alongside health professionals, treating all ages and specialising in antenatal and postnatal care and working with families. She is passionate about multi-agency work with homeopathy at its core. She now increasingly sees patients through Skype as well as in person. Bev loves the opportunity of supporting students from diverse backgrounds with so much to bring to the profession. She is currently involved in the web forum to facilitate student support through the online community.

Machteld Erkelens


Machteld Van Haeften DSH PCH
As I come from a family of medical professionals healthcare has always been a big part of my life. From 1989, after a career in conventional medicine as a Speech and Language Therapist, I explored yoga, Qi Gong and complementary medicine. In 2004 I studied basic homeopathic prescribing and realised I needed to study in more depth, so enrolled with The School of Homeopathy and, following my undergraduate training, I completed Jeremy Sherr’s Advanced Homeopathy Dynamis Course. I also teach Dutch (my first language) and enjoy spending time with my husband and our two sons.

Janet Taylor

Janet Taylor DSH, RSHom
I graduated from the School of Homeopathy in 2012 and currently practice in Plymouth and in Neal’s Yard in Tavistock. I’ve particularly benefitted from being part of Graz Baran’s study group, focusing on the Joshis’ approach to ‘Sensation Method’. As a student at the School I received nurturing and inspirational feedback for assignments, which helped build my confidence when I felt unsure of my abilities. I now appreciate the opportunity of giving upcoming students at the School the same quality of feedback that I received myself and I love the fact that my learning continues!

Katja Behrens

Katja Behrens DSH
Katja has had a special interest for the last 10 years in in ASD and ADHD. In her work she focuses on helping people suffering from depression and anxiety and treats physical pathology as well as mental and emotional stresses. She practises with her husband David and is a registered member of the Society of Homeopaths.Katja graduated from the School of Homeopathy in 2012 and went on to do 2.5 years of advanced training with Dr Rajan Sankaran. Katja studied physiotherapy in Berlin and is also an experienced craniosacral therapist. In the past she has also worked as an actress and singer, and tutored young people.

Samantha Pereira

Sam Pereira DSH RShom
Sam trained with the School of Homeopathy. Sam first discovered the miracle of homeopathy in her teens after it cured her recurrent eczema. Shortly after the birth of her first child in 2005 she took her baby to see a homeopath and over the next few years was continually amazed and delighted by the subtle yet profound way that homeopathy worked for her and her children. Sam specialises in working with children and young families, with a particular focus on infant and child health. In 2016 Sam trained in homeopathic detox therapy, and also holds a diploma in nutrition from The School of Health.

Nici Holland

Nici Holland DSH MARH
Nici graduated from the School in 2017 and practises in Surrey. She still marvels at the sheer magnitude of healing potential in homeopathy, years after witnessing the magical outcome of a homeopathic prescription for one of her children. Her background is in book design and her love of reading material and books might account for the piles of Homeoapthy text she has acquired over the years. Coming from a family of medics, she has an innate fascination with the medical sciences. Nici loves being a tutor and finds it a true joy working with the students and watching them develop in confidence.

Cath Sleigh

Catherine Sleigh DSH RSHom
I was awakened to homeopathy in the 1980’s when I decided at the last minute to go to a natural health evening class rather than to one on pottery. I realised homeopathy was something amazing – more than just medicine - and have been endlessly interested since then. My training at the School is something I value very deeply. It allowed me to see wonderful connections everywhere and how to make sense of  seemingly impossibly complex pictures.  Most of all it allowed me to become a practitioner with my own style and with the support of all the wisdom and teaching of homeopaths past and present. I graduated in 2005 and have been in continual practise in Devon.

Phil Wright

Phil Wright DSH RSHom
Phil has practised Tai Chi Chuan since 1987 and finding inspiration from this vital art, he was drawn to study “energy medicine” and so began his training in Homeopathy in London, in 1998. Following his love for the Cornish coast, he moved to Cornwall, and continued his studies at the School of Homeopathy, graduating in 2003. Since then, he has worked in clinical practice, building a large community of patients and raising a family. He is continually inspired personally and professionally by Homeopathy and the people he treats on a daily basis.


Provings Partner

Peter Fraser

Peter Fraser, MIH
Peter was a bookseller and publisher before discovering homeopathy. His particular interest is in new remedies and in the way that the relationship between substances corresponds to remedy relationships. He has been involved in many provings, both at the School of Homeopathy and with other groups. His books on homeopathy include The AIDS Miasm, the series Using Maps and Systems in Homeopathy, and the ongoing Supplement to Clarke's Dictionary of Materia Medica.

I love working with individual students and supporting them on this life-enhancing path. It is also great to be part of such a vibrant and supportive worldwide homeopathic community.

Bev Nickolls, Tutor
I feel it is a real privilege to be associated with The School of Homeopathy - both as a student and now as a tutor. It is wonderful to see how the students blossom as their knowledge and understanding of homeopathy develop; I love witnessing and being part of that process - and I also appreciate how much I learn from it too. Thank you.
I feel it is a real privilege to be associated with The School of Homeopathy - both as a student and now as a tutor. It is wonderful to see how the students blossom as their knowledge and understanding of homeopathy develop; I love witnessing and being part of that process - and I also appreciate how much I learn from it too. Thank you.

Lorna Brown, Tutor