Homeopathy CPD Module
Physical Examinations
The School of Homeopathy Continuing Professional Development Modules are written in collaboration with faculty staff and outside experts to ensure you get the highest quality material. Industry leaders were commissioned to write the course, incorporating contributions from other staff, to ensure you get the best possible course on the subject.
Teacher lectures
Lectures for this module are provided via YouTube.
Teacher biographies
Both Snéhi Jarvis and Judy Smyth are leaders in physical examinations and homeopathy:
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Snéhi Jarvis Snéhi is a homepath in Australia and was president of the Australian Register of Homeopaths (AROH) for many years. She has worked in homeopathy, education and regulation. She worked with the School of Homeopathy to develop this Physical Examinations module specifically for the Australian regulatory requirements. Snéhi was Project Officer in the development of National Competency Standards for Homoeopathy (NCSH), published in 1999. This document resulted in the standardisation of homoeopathic education in Australia. The NCSH underpinned CHF82 (3-year full time course advanced diploma) and then the first Health Training Package for Homoeopathy. A registered Nurse and a Certified Midwife Snéhi trained as a homeopath in 2002.
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Judy Smyth RN, ND, Dip Hom, BApSSC (Counselling) Judy studied Homeopathy at the Sydney College of Homeopathic Medicine (Peter Tumminello was Director at the time). She has been practising since 1996 and prior to that she was a registered nurse with experience in Intensive Care, Emergency and Mental Health. As an adjunct to her practice she took on counselling at the Australian College of Applied Psychology and is also a qualified Psychotherapist. Her greatest joy is teaching Homeopathy to students young and old, which she did at Nature Care College for six years. She also taught various levels of counselling skills for up and coming practitioners. She then moved interstate to Melbourne for a few years with her partner but, sadly, had to give up her teaching position for a period of time. Today her practice is in a multi-disciplinary clinic in Crows Nest, Sydney. When she is not there she can be found at Endeavour College in the city, where she teaches bioscience, which is a core subject for all students at the College. She is also very involved in the Australian Homeopathic Association, being treasurer of the NSW branch, and is a member of the National Council.
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Course Director: Mani Norland RSHom
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Course Manager: Amanda Norland BA(Hons)

500 million people use homeopathy everyday! Used by 1 in 8 people in the UK, 27 percent of Germans, 40 percent of French and 62 percent of India to name but a few! It is an integral part of the healthcare systems in Germany, France, India, and Brazil. Millions of patients benefit from homeopathy every day.
Target Group Index, Global Survey with 25,000 participants, 2005.

What I love about homeopathy is the satisfaction of the one to one contact with the patients, and the feeling that you're really making a difference to peoples lives.
Amelia Sinclair, Graduate