Archive For 'January, 2022'

From nursing to homeopathy - Vanessa

25 January 2022 at 13:19

From nursing to homeopathy - Vanessa

Homeopath and School graduate Vanessa Pimbblet share her experience of moving from nursing to homeopathy:

From as young as I can remember I always wanted to be a nurse, and started my nursing career as soon as I could at the age of 18. I continued to work within the NHS for many years, first as a nurse, then moving on to midwifery and finally as a health visitor.


What made you decide to move away from nursing?

Over my nursing career I encountered many changes, and over time sadly felt that patient centred care was no longer at the forefront. With added pressure to reach targets, tick boxes and increasing time spent behind a computer, this was not what I came in to nursing for. The enjoyment was waning and the frustration and stress increasing along with the lack of autonomy. I knew I wasn’t happy with the direction the NHS was going but I didn’t know there were other options.

I’d never heard of homeopathy until I was in my 30’s. My Mum died suddenly very soon after I became a Mum myself. At the time I turned to my GP, who offered me anti-depressants. I wasn’t depressed but having had a baby they concluded I must have postnatal depression. Thankfully I knew taking anti-depressants wasn’t the answer for me, I was grieving. That was when a friend suggested I see a homeopath and I have never looked back.

Why did you choose homeopathy?

Homeopathy has a solid philosophy underpinning it and has been used for over 200 years so is not new. A medical approach to health that felt right, where the individual is at the centre. A medical system that listens, looks for connections and treats the root causes of illness. A health system that is personal and gives you time to talk and express yourself. Symptoms aren’t treated in isolation and not one pill fits all. Mental, emotional and physical symptoms are all discussed and an individualised homeopathic prescription sought.

To me, being in control of your own health has always been important, rather than handing over all responsibility and expecting a prescribed pill from the Doctor to fix all.  A holistic approach resonates with me, one that looks atg the whole person including lifestyle and diet.

What is it like to study homeopathy?

Nine years after first seeing a homeopath I took the plunge to start my homeopathic training at the School of Homeopathy in Stroud. One weekend a month for the next 4 years I set off for Hawkwood in Stroud to submerge myself in homeopathy.
I still remember my first weekend, most of the lectures went straight over my head and I came away wondering what had I done, but also really excited and knew I was on the right path. The work was hard, lots of studying, understanding the philosophy that underpins homeopathy, learning remedies and writing assignments, all took a lot of commitment.

The people I trained with and met along the way were supportive and encouraging, and some of these friendships continue to this day. Those starting with me came from a wide variety of backgrounds with differing levels of experience of homeopathy. Some more academic than me and some had amazing ability to recall things, unlike me as I hadn’t studied for years and didn’t have a great memory, but I enjoyed the learning process and thrived despite the hard work.

Although I enjoyed all my time at the School, years 3 & 4 in supervised practice I enjoyed the most, finally being able to put in to practice what I’d learnt. Having a great Supervisor as support and mentor was invaluable and led me in to setting up my own homeopathic practice.

What surprised you the most about the training?

I think what surprised me the most was the amount of self-discovery that took place. It really was a personal journey, a time to look inwards, to question my beliefs and realign what resonated with me and felt comfortable.

The venue was lovely, the company supportive and food great and I soon looked forward to my weekends there, and viewed it as my retreat!

How do the two compare (nursing and homeopathy)?

There are so many overlaps, but it’s better! I’m still using all my nursing qualities but now feel I’m making a difference.
Homeopathy is just a different system of medicine, but the main difference to me is enabling the client (patient) to take responsibility for their health. I can support them, walk alongside them but the ultimate responsibility remains with them. Homeopathic prescriptions nudge the body to encourage self-healing. It still amazes me today that under the right conditions the body’s has an incredible ability to heal itself.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is natural, has no lasting side effects and nudge’s the body to encourage self-healing. A form of medicine that doesn’t require more medication to control side effects.

The continuity of care you get with homeopathy is very important to me. You see the same homeopath, someone you get to know and who knows you, who can support you and walk alongside you when you need them.

I get to work for myself, choose my own hours to fit around my family and choose who I work with. It can be hard had at times and does require self-motivation. Homeopaths generally work alone which took some getting used to, and can at times feel lonely, but there is plenty of support out there. I meet regularly with other homeopaths, ensure I keep up to date through regular CPD and continue with regular supervision.

Did being a nurse help you as a homeopath?

Being a Nurse has really helped me as a homeopath in so many ways. The knowledge and experience my nursing gave me has been invaluable, from understanding medical terms, to recognising red flags. Many of my clients seek me out because of my nursing background which is an added bonus for my practice.

I love to think that one day homeopathy will be offered alongside conventional medicine, it has so much to offer and believe an integrated approach is the way forward.

Contact Vanessa if you would like a homeopathy appointment at: Rebalance Homeopathy

For more information about homeopathy visit:

If you would like to study please contact the School:
01453 765 956 or [email protected]

Tags: Nurse

Posted in Homeopathy | Education

The Beginnings of Things - January

17 January 2022 at 15:54

The Beginnings of Things January is a month of beginnings. Named for Janus, the Roman god of doorways and gates, beginnings and transitions, this month typically begins with a transition - a ... [ read more ]

Posted in Homeopathy