MEP Alojz Peterle speaks out in favour of homeopathy
Member of the European Parliament
“Honourable speakers, doctors, practitioners, dear guests, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much for inviting me to the first European homeopathy congress which aims to increase the recognition of homeopathy across the European Union and its’ members’ states."
"To me homeopathy stands for holistic, complete cost effective and safe approach to promote health, prevent and treat disease. In particular, I am a strong supporter due to its’ patients’ sensitiveness. We are obviously facing a growing number of health-related challenges. An ageing population, rising cases of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, mental ill-health and anti microbial diseases. The situation backs the question as to whether there are better ways to approach healthcare for humans and animals alike. You are all gathered here because you know that the answer is positive, yet you are not alone. European citizens increasingly recognised the benefits offer homeopathy and this inherent holistic approach to care. Therefore, I regret that there is still little coherence in the way members’ states regulate medical doctors, veterinarians and other health professionals practising homeopathy in the EU. Furthermore, members’ states reliable implementation of you the directives of homeopathic medicine and products is negatively affecting success by citizens and providers.
As the Chair of the Parliamentary Health Working Group I have been calling for homeopathy to be taken more determinately by the commission and members’ states together with my colleagues from the Parliamentary Interest Group on CAM we have reiterating that commission should take action to resolve the highly confused and inhibiting regulatory situation that currently exists. I expect that the ongoing legislative procedure for veterinary medicine and products will integrate the spirit of the WHO traditional medicine strategy and respect homeopathic specific nature as well.
My firm belief is that homeopathy can play an innovative role in the context of the enormous personal, social and economic cost of chronic disease in health and equalities. For these reasons and given its’ wide spread demand among European citizens we need to incorporate ways in which homeopathy can contribute to sustainable healthcare systems in Europe including its’ role in health maintenance, reduction of use of antibiotics, less invasive and more cost effective treatment of illness which are also some of the objectives of the US Health Strategy 2014/2020.
Finally, evidence where effectiveness and cost saving and good practice can be observed in different members’ states in particular by the pioneering Health Service in the Tuscan region in Italy. The time is right to seriously consider homeopathy as both innovation and added value for citizens and animals.
Thank you for your attention and I wish you a successful session."
Tags: MEP | Alojz Peterle | homeopathy | Member of the European Parliament | Parliamentary Health Working Group
This entry was posted on 18 April 2019 at 13:25 and is filed under Homeopathy | Education | Health.